The general concensus seems to be that the function of
the sail/sails is to steady the ship in a rough sea and perhaps to keep her
heading into wind. However, there is
some discussion as to the configuration. I had a go at interpreting the 1880
specification and produced a diagram (Photo).
However Patroclus (I am sure that
is not his real name), a much better informed chap than I on nautical matters,
has offered the following comments:
1. The lug yard belongs to the mainmast, not the mizzen
(the head of the main lug sail is bent to it) - and the reference to “main lug”
is a real problem. If the mainmast carried the light and paraphernalia as shown
in the painting of the Daunt’s Rock lightvessel with the RNLI lifeboat
alongside, how did they rig a lugsail on it? Perhaps we should be looking at a
different type of three-masted lightvessel?
2. The ensign staff would be mounted at the stern in the normal place.
3. The mizzen boom would probably be hooped to the mizzen mast say 8 feet above
the deck.
There is little doubt that the mainmast was too cluttered
to have sails anywhere near it. Using a photograph of Cormorant as she is now
(it’s a bit fragmented as I had to take several shots along the length), and
knowing exactly where the main mast and the mizzen emerged from the
superstructure, I have ‘resurrected’ these two masts. The hawsers (shrouds?)
which supported the main mast had substantial anchoring points on both sides of
the ship and these are still there, so I was able to approximate the run of
these hawsers (Photo). I have left out any fore and aft supports and all those
for the mizzen, but I have shown what I believe to be the boomkin with its
sheave (for hoisting things on board?) and
what I thought was the lugyard. There is no mention of a hoop on the mizzen.

Translating this to the grotty photo I have of Cormorant’s
sister ship, Puffin, does I think give a good impression of what these vessels
looked like (Photo), but I acknowledge that Patroclus is correct to worry about
the reference to ‘main lug’.
I can add to that
disquiet as the 1880 spec also refers to one fore and two main stay sails (one
spare I assume) and two jib-headed mizzens (again I assume one spare). Where
were these placed?
One more clue (or red herring?) is in the structure of
the mizzen base unit (Photo). There is a
substantial ‘boom-hinge’ mounted fore and aft on that unit. Is one for the
boomkin and one for the lugyard? Please ignore
the hanging nameplate. I made it to reflect my first impressions of the ship
and Simon displays it. I wonder what
those three rings were for.
Finally, although Patroclus thinks the ensign would be mounted
at the stern, if that mizzen sail boom/lugyard is in the correct place, at 24ft
it would extend about 6ft over the stern and preclude any ensign staff
there. Perhaps the picture of LV72 at
Juno beach in WWII shows where an ensign could be (Photo). Her mizzen is further back, but the ensign is
definitely up top there. It is not possible to see whether it is attached to
the mizzen or to a staff.
PS: Petroclus/Patroclus was a friend of Achilles,
of uncertain parentage, killed a friend over a dice game and died when he
disobeyed a direct order from Achilles.